The warehouse application enables fast warehouse management without the use of paper documentation. Through integration with the company's ERP system, employees have instant information on the status of products. No matter where the product is located. Our solution completes the entire warehouse management and sales support system at all WRI locations.
Our application runs natively on the Android operating system. The solution is scalable and optimized to run on multiple devices simultaneously. The application is used in all of the company's stores. Every day, the system handles dozens of active devices through which employees perform thousands of operations and queries.
Of course, the key was mobility, and for that, the company needed the right warehouse terminals. Working with WRI, we selected a Zebra TC25BJ terminal that met all our requirements. The devices are handy and compact, so employees can carry them in their pockets. The terminal is dedicated to warehouse work, so it is durable and has a barcode reader, which allows the fastest possible search and selection of products. The manufacturer of the terminals is a well-known international company, so there are no problems with access to technical documentation, which has affected the speed of implementation. The terminals are also accessible, which means that any replacement in the event of damage is not a hassle, allowing WRI to focus on its business.
The mobile warehouse application helps increase resource utilization and streamline the work of the company's entire store staff. With handheld devices, associates can serve customers regardless of their location in the store. A customer who wants to know the price of an item or the available quantity can do so by asking any employee. The entire Certusoft solution is a centralized application. It runs in the cloud together with the Certusoft PIM system (Product Information Management System).
Receiving deliveries in a large, multi-category store is not the easiest process. In a single day, the store may receive deliveries from several to a dozen vendors with an assortment of products across many categories. With such a large number of deliveries, it is a challenge to control the compliance of the delivery with the issued external acceptance document. Our system allows employees to assign an external receipt document to a specific warehouse employee who performs the receipt using a terminal. Very importantly, our application does not display the products from the document to the warehouse employee. This is justified because this way the company receives real data. The quantity and type of delivered products are not suggested.
The system checks the scanned product and compares it with the information on the documentation. If there is a difference, the application forces a recheck of the delivery. Once the employee has done so and is satisfied that he has scanned all the goods, he approves the receipt. At this point, the system generates a discrepancy report. Further actions take place in the Certusoft ERP system.
Large format stores have a large number of shelves with many racks. Keeping the right amount of products on them is a real challenge for the store's service department. This is where our mobile warehouse application comes in. The replenishment process starts with stock verification. With the code scanner, this can be done quickly and efficiently. On this basis, documents are prepared at the ERP system level.
Out-of-stock replenishment is accomplished by routing the order to the appropriate associate. The warehouse application installed on the terminals supports push notifications. The employee receives a message that a replenishment document has been assigned to him. Once the goods are distributed to the regiments and the document is closed, any changes are updated in the central Certusoft ERP system.
For a company like WRI that handles thousands of products, places hundreds of orders, and processes an equal number of goods receipts, mistakes happen. Damaged products, different products from what was ordered, and too many pieces or sets are common occurrences. Our application helps to process returns to suppliers. Based on the orders that appear in the application, the company's employees implement the shipment of goods to suppliers. The type of goods, quantity, or transport company responsible for receiving the shipment is visible in the mobile warehouse application.
Releasing products from the warehouse is one of the most basic logistics operations. Verifying the necessary documentation related to the release of goods is an essential part of the supply chain. Our mobile warehouse application makes this process much easier and faster. From the position of the terminal, the warehouse worker can see the order items. The built-in barcode reader enables efficient picking using a scanner. Based on the release document, the goods are consolidated according to the order for a specific contractor. When the release is completed, the sales order document is closed in the main Certusoft ERP system. In addition, the task automatically synchronizes document balances in all of WRI's integrated systems.
The network of stores is a modern network of construction stores managed by WRI. A wide selection of products and a wide range of services allow us to help our customers at every stage of building, renovating and finishing their houses, flats and gardens. Visitors to stores enjoy many conveniences. One of them is the help of professional consultants. In each of the company's stores, of which there are already 10, they use mobile terminals with the Certusoft mobile warehouse application to help customers choose the best products.
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