Selected projects from the of complaint management system

A claims handling system allows the claims process to be automated. Modern software allows the entire process to be carried out electronically. On top of this, it relieves employees of the burden of analyzing the relationship between documentation, goods and customers complaining about goods or services. This is particularly important in the case of inter-company relationships and a large turnover of goods.

Customer and supplier complaint management system

The goal of the project was to design and implement a modern solution for centralized electronic complaint handling available to all WRI stores. Integrating the new functionalities with the workflow system implemented in one of the projects for WRI was a key part of the project. The project was based on the transfer of the newly developed product complaint process by extending the Certusoft ERP system with the Certusoft Complaints module in addition to modules such as PIM, MWM (warehouse management mobile app), DMS and Connector (integrations with other software and external devices). The experience of the entire team and the use of Certusoft's proprietary platform contributed to the speed and efficiency of the implementation.

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